$1M Delivered to City for Seafood Industrial Park

This morning at City Hall, Congressman Bobby Scott delivered a $1 million check in community project funding to the City of Newport News to improve the Seafood Industrial Park. Scott secured these funds in the Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY 2024. Specifically, this funding will be used to improve the harbor and docks to support the Seafood Industrial Park and surrounding businesses. 

The seafood market project started as a priority and goal coming out of the planning process for our Choice Neighborhoods Initiative (CNI). The goal is to make the seafood market more accessible to the fresh catch seafood being landed in the Seafood Industrial Park, and support food-based entrepreneurship. This project also includes a new dock system and dredging that will benefit and add capacity for our watermen and commercial fishermen. Other features include:

Seafood Market:

  • construction of a 7,600-square-foot market facility
  • public eating area, vendor stalls, retail seafood sales, a commercial kitchen, over 3,100 square feet of outdoor seating areas, and a boardwalk overlooking the harbor
  • cost estimate $9.1M

Dock Improvements/Dredging:

  • dredging and new dock construction expanded to accommodate 10 to 12 boats.
  • a pier for recreational boats visiting the seafood market
  • new docks with concrete decking and pilings, man overboard ladders, throw rings, fire protection, electrical and water hookups, and improved pier lighting
  • cost estimate $6.8M

The Seafood Industrial Park is an important part of the Newport News economy, and this project will reinforce its value as a key economic asset, while also complementing and cementing the transformation occurring within the community, serving as a new attraction to the neighborhood and an amenity for residents.