CHESAPEAKE — The Chesapeake City Council is seeking residents who may be interested in serving on various boards and commissions. Boards and commissions provide a vital service to various City departments, agencies, and City Council.
Citizens wishing to serve must complete an application form. Applications are due in the City Clerk’s office by October 15, 2021. City Council will appoint candidates for these vacancies during its October 26, 2021 meeting due to the cancellation of the November 23, 2021 City Council meeting.
Applications are currently being accepted for the following City Council appointed boards and commissions:
- Chesapeake Arboretum Advisory Board 5 vacancies
- Chesapeake City Council Audit Committee 1 vacancy
- Chesapeake Integrated Behavioral Healthcare Board 4 vacancies
(Current Consumer of CIBH Services, 1 Citizen, 2 Individuals/Family Members who have previously received CIBH Services)
- Groundwater Committee 2 vacancies
- Hampton Roads Disabilities Board 2 vacancies
(Individual/Family Member-Physical Disability, Individual/Family Member-Visual Disability)
- Human Services Advisory Board 3 vacancies
- Transportation Toll Facility Advisory Committee 1 vacancy
(Alternate Attorney)
For more information or to apply, contact the City Clerk’s office at 382-6151, or visit Boards and Commissions at the City of Chesapeake’s website,