COVID Update
Although the number of new COVID-19 cases remains low, it is important to remember that the pandemic is still affecting our community and the world. Yesterday in Newport News, seven new cases were reported, bringing our total number of cases since March 2020 to 14,510. According to the Virginia Department of Health, 99% of COVID cases, hospitalizations and deaths in the Eastern Region of the state are unvaccinated individuals. To protect yourself and others, please get a COVID vaccine. Anyone 18 and over can get a Moderna (two doses) or Johnson & Johnson (single dose) vaccine; those 12 and older can get the Pfizer vaccine (two doses). For a listing of locations offering the free COVID vaccine, visit Multiple variants of the virus that causes COVID-19 have been documented in the United States and globally during the pandemic. Viruses constantly change through mutation, and new variants of a virus are expected to occur. Sometimes new variants emerge and disappear while other times these new variants persist. There are currently four notable variants in the United States. The variant getting the most attention right now is the Delta variant, which was first detected in the country in March 2021. The Delta variant seems to spread more easily and quickly than other variants, which may lead to more cases of COVID-19. Everyone is encouraged to get a vaccine. It’s also smart to continue to wash your hands often. Those who are unvaccinated should continue to wear a mask that covers their nose and mouth. Those who are vaccinated may choose not to wear a mask. Protect the ones you love and help keep our community moving forward – get a vaccine!