FNACC Free Pet Food Pantry at NACC
By: City of Norfolk
The Friends of the Norfolk Animal Care Center (aka ‘FNACC’) started the Pet Pantry in July 2011 which is physically located at the Norfolk Animal Care Center shelter and available to community members 7 days a week, no appointment or verification needed. Because we know that pets are a part of the family, we are dedicated to providing temporary assistance to pet owners facing hardship by helping to keep their pets in their homes. Pet owners facing hardship and financial challenges may have to make a hard choice between feeding their families or feeding their pets. Some owners faced with this difficult decision are forced to give up their animal companions. Our goal is to make it possible for pets to stay in a loving home together by providing the basic nutrition every pet needs.
Mobile Pet Food Pantry
Now with help from the Friends of Norfolk Animal Care Center and Norfolk Public Library, FNACC’s Pet Pantry has gone mobile! On the second Saturday monthly, NACC’s Waggin’ Wheels will bring the mobile pet pantry into our communities to a different Norfolk Public Library anchor branch to provide free pet food, resources, and engagement opportunities.