Free Social Security Webinar for People with Disabilities
By: City of Newport News
The Newport News Social Security office, 11706 Jefferson Avenue, has increased in-person appointments and resumed walk-in service Monday-Friday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The Social Security Administration and Williamsburg Public Library are hosting a free public webinar Tuesday, Aug. 9, at 3 p.m., for people interested in learning about disability benefits and the disability application process.
Join Zoom Meeting: ID: 880 1670 1798Passcode: 558353 The webinar will address several issues including:
- how to use Social Security online services
- what Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Benefits are and how to qualify
- what income must be reported when receiving SSI
- other Social Security programs and who qualifies for each
- public questions at the end of the presentation
Go to to create a My Social Security account and check out your own Social Security Statement before attending this webinar.