Governor Glenn Youngkin Releases New Virginia Outdoors Plan

Access to Outdoor Recreation a Top Priority for Virginians 

RICHMOND, VA – Governor Glenn Youngkin today announced the publication of Virginia’s new comprehensive, statewide plan for enhancing outdoor recreation, the Virginia Outdoors Plan. 

“Virginia is rich with an abundance of best-in-class outdoor recreational opportunities. The 2024 Virginia Outdoors Plan serves as a tool for enhancing outdoor recreation offerings throughout the Commonwealth,” said Governor Glenn Youngkin. “This plan demonstrates the Commonwealth’s commitment to outdoor recreation, land conservation, and education. In partnership with the great leaders that collaborated on this resource, we are making Virginia the best state to live, work, and recreate.” 

The Virginia Outdoors Plan is issued by the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation and can be accessed at  

Developed and presented for the first time in a robust, online platform, the plan is the state’s official guide for meeting Virginia’s outdoor recreation and land conservation needs. Recreation resource planners, managers and community stakeholders rely on the plan to support applications for funding for open space and park projects. 

The updated plan fulfills a requirement to remain eligible for the federal Land and Water Conservation Fund, which announced a record funding of $7.2 million for Virginia in fiscal year 2024. Since 1965, nearly $126 million in total apportionments have funded more than 450 projects in Virginia, such as new public parks and improved amenities.

Shaping the plan are residents from throughout the state who shared their recreation needs and interests through the 2022 Virginia Outdoors Survey. The survey was conducted by the Survey and Evaluation Research Laboratory in the L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond. 

The survey found that most Virginians place a high value on access to outdoor recreation. 82% said access to outdoor recreation was “very important,” up from 70% in 2017. In 2011, the figure was 55.6%

An even higher percentage of Virginians believe strongly in protecting Virginia’s natural and open-space resources from development. 86% considered protection “very important,” and 12% said it was “somewhat important.” 

Other findings include: 

“The theme of the new Virginia Outdoors Plan, ‘Best in Class Recreation for All,’ reflects our commitment to expanding public access to top-notch outdoor recreation opportunities and promoting stewardship of our natural and cultural resources,” said DCR Director Matt Wells. “By utilizing the data and survey results in the plan, park planners, community stakeholders and the public can make well-informed decisions as they pursue conservation and recreation goals.” 

The priorities identified in the plan include expanding access and opportunities for outdoor recreation, improved safety and health outdoors, and recreation infrastructure that is adequately funded and highly resilient. 

“Up until now, the full Virginia Outdoors Plan was available only as a voluminous book,” said Director of DCR’s Division of Planning and Recreation Resources Kelly McClary. “We’re excited to debut the new Virginia Outdoors Plan site — a digital, living document that offers visually engaging, interactive and regionalized spatial mapping and data tools.”   

The 2024 version of the Virginia Outdoors Plan, approved by NPS on Dec. 18, will be implemented 2025-2030.