Governor Northam Awards More Than $8.2 Million to Reduce Homelessness
~ Funding will assist targeted efforts to reduce homelessness in over 100 communities ~ |
RICHMOND— Governor Ralph Northam today announced more than $8.2 million in Virginia Housing Trust Fund Homeless Reduction Grants for 46 projects throughout the Commonwealth. The funding will advance 100 targeted efforts to reduce homelessness, which include rapid re-housing, permanent supportive housing for the chronically homeless, and underserved population innovation projects. “We have made historic investments in the Virginia Housing Trust Fund at a time when the importance of affordable housing has never been more evident,” said Governor Northam. “Making sure every Virginian has a place to call home is so critical, and these grants will continue the Commonwealth’s leadership in reducing homelessness. The Department of Housing and Community Development has doe heroic work to keep people in their homes and support small businesses during the pandemic. I want to thank DHCD Director Erik Johnson for his superb leadership of the agency, especially during the past 22 months. He has led an outstanding and creative team in finding innovative ways to help people during a challenging time.” Governor Northam and the General Assembly invested a historic $55 million in the Virginia Housing Trust Fund this fiscal year. The administration’s outgoing budget proposes an additional $300 million in funding for the Virginia Housing Trust Fund over the next two years. The grants announced today represent 20 percent of this fiscal year’s Virginia Housing Trust fund investment. The remaining funds are awarded to production of new or rehabilitated housing units through the Affordable and Special Needs Housing Program. Those awards produce both homeownership and rental opportunities and are announced twice per year. “The Virginia Housing Trust Fund is a critical resource for the continued construction and maintenance of much needed permanent supportive housing and innovative support programs aimed at reducing homelessness and keeping it rare, brief, and non-recurring,” said Secretary of Commerce and Trade Brian Ball. “These grants will assist our most vulnerable residents by providing access to services to support them as they regain stability in housing.” The goal of the Virginia Housing Trust Fund Homeless Reduction Grant Program is to reduce homelessness throughout Virginia. The Department of Housing and Community Development supports Balance of State (BoS) Continuum of Care (CoC) local planning group strategies and homeless service projects that are a part of an effective emergency crisis response system in communities. The Homeless Reduction Grant program must be coordinated with other community-based activities. These grantees use a local centralized or coordinated assessment/entry system, which is the best practice for a housing-focused approach for helping households experiencing homelessness quickly regain stability in permanent housing. The following projects will receive 2022 Homeless Reduction Grant Awards: Shared Housing Program for LGBTQ+ youth, pregnant and parenting youth, and youth at the intersection $883,014Virginia Commonwealth University | Counties of Charles City, Chesterfield, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, New Kent, and Powhatan and the City of Richmond This project will develop a shared housing program model to be implemented for a 12-month period with 20 young adults experiencing homelessness, including 10 pregnant or parenting youth and 10 LGBTQ+ youth. This model will support future dissemination and implementation of the model in other parts of Virginia. Bridges to Independence-RRH-22 $625,630Bridges to Independence | Arlington CountyContinuing the work of a previously awarded project, this project will support the creation of five full-time positions, including housing stabilization case managers and housing locator positions. This funding will also provide direct financial assistance for rent and rent arrears for 25 family households. LGBT Life Center RRH- Homeless Older Adults 2022 $467,706LBGT Life Center | Counties of Isle of Wight and Southampton and the cities of Chesapeake, Franklin, Norfolk, and Suffolk This project will serve homeless older adults across the Continuum of Care (CoC), outside of the actual innovation project. This project will serve 15 households headed by an older adult. Components of the case management and supportive services include behavioral health counseling, connection with mainstream benefits, primary health and social events to reduce isolation. Housing Trust Fund Homeless Reduction Grant 2022 $400,000Shelter House | Fairfax County and the cities of Fairfax and Falls Church This project will support a current RRH program that provides housing location, financial assistance and case management for 50 households that are families, survivors and current shelter participants. LGBT Life Center Youth HOME 2022 $398,614LGBT Life Center | Counties of Isle of Wight and Southampton, and the cities of Chesapeake, Franklin, Norfolk, and Suffolk This project will support one full-time case manager, one part-time housing specialist and 12 months of assistance to 10 homeless youth. Services will include assessment, counseling and facilitating access to mainstream services. Direct assistance to clients includes housing stabilization financial assistance, rental assistance, and training and educational services under the housing stabilization services category. FY22 Fredericksburg Continuum of Care (CoC) Permanent Supportive Housing Program (Micah) $380,070Micah Ecumenical Ministries | Counties of Caroline, King George, Spotsylvania, and Stafford, and the City of Fredericksburg This project will support 35 beds for permanent supportive housing of chronically homeless individuals. Funding will also support three staff positions, including two housing stabilization managers and one Social Security Outreach, Access and Recovery (SOAR) case manager. Flagler Youth RRH & Outreach – HRC $341,549St. Joseph’s Villa | Counties of Dinwiddie, Greensville, Prince George, Surry, and Sussex and the cities of Colonial Heights, Emporia, Hopewell, and Petersburg This funding will support outreach to unaccompanied youth aged 18-24 through targeted youth outreach, youth housing solutions and youth-driven system planning. FY22 Virginia Supportive Housing Greater Richmond Continuum of Care (CoC) PSH Services $300,000Virginia Supportive Housing | City of Richmond The project will add supportive services staff to two pre-existing scattered-site PSH projects: Richmond HomeLink and Richmond Housing First III. These PSH projects serve 156 households by providing 156 100%-dedicated chronic PSH units. Housing Trust Fund Youth Innovation Project $267,640Family Crisis Support Services Inc. | Counties of Dickenson, Lee, Scott, and Wise, and the City of Norton This project will support the creation of three housing case manager positions to manage the youth planning group for the Local Planning Group (LPG). This staff will grow the core planning team with allied professionals, identify specific goals and objectives for local youth seeking services, design a means to prioritize youth from underserved populations, and ensure access to all supportive services for any youth in need while maintaining a resource guide for both service providers and youth. Rapid Re-Housing Youth $220,387Valley Community Services Board | Counties of Augusta, Bath, Highland, and Rockbridge and the cities of Buena Vista, Lexington, Staunton, and Waynesboro This project will provide RRH for LGBTQ+ youth in partnership between Valley Community Services Board and Shenandoah LGBTQ Center. The center serves as an access point and completes assessment, documentation and provides temporary shelter if needed. Plans include an expansion into Rockingham and Harrisonburg counties. Homeward, Greater Richmond CoC Homeless Older Adults Coalition, 2022 $212,200Homeward | Counties of Charles City, Chesterfield, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, New Kent, and Powhatan and the City of Richmond This project will build on existing projects while including the development of an inclusive planning infrastructure, dedicated coalition staffing to support and foster the Homeless Older Adults Coalition and the continuation of a peer support specialist on the Homeward Care Navigation Team. Loudoun County Department of Family Services PSH2 2021-22 $201,777Loudoun County This project will provide housing stabilization services and rental assistance to seven single chronically homeless adults that meet the current criteria for permanent supportive housing services for a new scattered-site PSH program. Cornerstones Housing Trust Fund FY22 RR $200,000Cornerstones | Cities of Fairfax and Falls Church and Fairfax County This project will support the expansion of the Housing Opportunities Collaborative with the addition of several positions, including a Housing Opportunities Collaborative manager, housing resource coordinator, housing locators, supportive housing director and supportive housing case manager. With the increased capacity, the project will serve 450 households and anticipates 90% of clients to remain stably housed for one year. Commonwealth Catholic Charities (CCC) Youth Street Outreach 2022 $177,000Commonwealth Catholic Charities | Counties of Dinwiddie, Greensville, Prince George, Surrey, and Sussex, and the cities of Colonial Heights, Emporia, Hopewell, and Petersburg This project will support outreach for youth aged 18-24 who meet the Department of Education’s definition of homelessness in the Greater Richmond Continuum of Care (Greater Richmond CoC) and Petersburg. Outreach workers will offer intake and assessment for youth to be eligible for shelter, RRH and PSH. Family Crisis Support Services PSH Project 2022 $173,266Family Crisis Support Services | Counties of Dickenson, Lee, Scott, and Wise, and the City of Norton This project will provide housing stabilization services and rental assistance to serve nine chronically homeless adults who meet the criteria for permanent supportive housing through a new scattered-site PSH program. The Arlington Street Peoples Assistance Network (A-SPAN) Supportive Housing Project $175,000Arlington Street People Assistance Network Inc. | Arlington County This project will expand permanent supportive housing in the Arlington area and fund three staff positions (case manager, housing locator and life skills coach) to assist clients in negotiating housing resolutions to avoid eviction and maintain housing stability. FY22 Fredericksburg Continuum of Care (CoC) Partnerships for Health Innovation Project (Micah) $154,500Micah Ecumenical Ministries | Counties of Caroline, King George, Spotsylvania, and Stafford, and the City of Fredericksburg This project will support piloting a project to develop strategic partnerships with local medical and mental health providers to enhance supportive health to persons with disabilities in shelter and individuals who transition into housing. Council of Community Services (CCS) RRH 2022 $150,000Council of Community Services | Counties of Alleghany, Botetourt, Craig, and Roanoke, and the cities of Covington, Roanoke, and Salem This project will support the maintenance of the Council of Community Services’ existing RRH project by financing housing stabilization case management, rent assistance, housing stabilization financial assistance, rent arrears and administrative costs. The project will assist 36 households in quickly exiting homelessness and returning them to permanent supportive housing. Miriam’s House, Community First, 2022 $150,000Miriam’s House | Counties of Amherst, Appomattox, and Bedford, and the City of Bedford This project will support the continuation of the Miriam’s House rapid rehousing project, Community First, with the goal of serving 60 homeless youth and family households. Older Adults Returning to Stability (OARS) $149,510Williamsburg House of Mercy | Counties of James City and York and the City of Williamsburg This project will support an existing Underserved Populations and Innovation Project in partnership with James City County Housing (JCCH), providing rent assistance, rent arrears, and temporary housing to at least 12 unsheltered and/or chronically homeless older adults aged 50 and up. The project will enable them to explore strategies to assist persons to move on to less intensive supportive housing in the Upper Peninsula using JCCH’s Mainstream Voucher Program. St. Joseph’s Villa RRH HRC $135,000St. Joseph’s Villa | Counties of Dinwiddie, Greensville, Prince George, Surry, and Sussex and the cities of Colonial Heights, Emporia, Hopewell, and Petersburg This project will support rapid rehousing for 75 individuals. This project aims to house individuals within 30 days. This grant will support housing stabilization case management, housing stabilization financial assistance, rent arrears, rental assistance, service location costs, HMIS staffing and administration. Equality Virginia, Underserved Populations Innovation Project, 2022 $132,145Equality Virginia | Counties of Charles City, Chesterfield, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, New Kent, and Powhatan, and the City of Richmond This project will develop an inclusive housing model tailored to meet the unique needs of LGBTQ+ youth aged 18-24 that are experiencing homelessness. The model will then be locally implemented and disseminated to other youth-serving organizations across Virginia. FY22 Fredericksburg Continuum of Care (CoC) Rapid Rehousing Program (Micah) $118,450Micah Ecumenical Ministries | Counties of Caroline, King George, Spotsylvania, and Stafford, and the City of Fredericksburg This renewal project will provide funding for rapid rehousing for 10 households, as well as support for one case manager and a housing locator. Funding will be utilized for housing search and placement, housing stabilization case management, housing stabilization financial assistance, rental assistance and administration. FY22 Virginia Supportive Housing Cloverleaf and Crescent Square – Virginia Beach $110,000Virginia Supportive Housing | City of Virginia Beach This project will serve chronically homeless persons through two programs focused on working with clients to maintain housing in Virginia Beach. Funds will support the salaries of two full-times staff members, one at each program location. The Planning Council Homeless Elders Innovation Planning Project 2022 $109,638The Planning Council | Counties of Isle of Wight and Southampton, and the cities of Chesapeake, Franklin, Norfolk, and Suffolk This project will support a dedicated, action-oriented forum within the CoC to focus on understanding the impact of aging and medical fragility on the experience of homelessness. This forum will engage diverse stakeholders to plan, develop, and implement culturally competent housing and supportive services to homeless households aged 55 and older. New River Community Action Housing Trust Fund RRH FY2022 $107,850New River Community Action Inc. | Counties of Giles, Floyd, Montgomery (including Blacksburg and Christiansburg), and Pulaski and the City of Radford This project will support an existing RRH counselor position that will be responsible for the delivery of case management services, assisting clients in accessing additional mainstream resources aimed towards addressing individual housing stability, and aiding individuals in navigating their local housing resources. The project aims to serve 45 households in the New River Valley communities. FY22 Virginia Supportive Housing Gosnold and Church Street – Norfolk $105,000Virginia Supportive Housing | City of Norfolk This project will support three full-time supportive services staff, as well as four specialist services staff at two properties in Norfolk. All of these units receive rental subsidies through the HUD Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program and are designated for households receiving supportive services. Arlington PSH Projects 2022 $103,000New Hope Housing Inc. | Arlington County This grant will serve five chronically homeless single adults in a group home setting and three chronically homeless singles in scattered-site PSH. This grant will fund one case manager to serve all persons and partially fund 24-hour onsite support for persons in the group home setting. Mercy House Rapid Re-housing $100,000Mercy Housing Inc. | Counties of Clarke, Frederick, Page, Rockingham Shenandoah and Warren, and the cities of Harrisonburg, and Winchester This project is a continuation of the Rapid Rehousing program which has been supported in part by the VAHTF for the last five years. This funding will support housing stabilization financial assistance, rental assistance, housing search and placement, and housing stabilization case management. This project aims to rapidly rehouse 45 families or youth. Northern Virginia Family Service Prince William Area Rapid Re-Housing Program $100,000Northern Virginia Family Service | Prince William County and the cities of Manassas and Manassas Park This project will support the current RRH project’s case manager, housing locator and case management supervisor to connect participants in their SERVE shelter with permanent housing. The target population is individuals and families. The funding will provide housing location, stabilization services and direct financial support including deposits, utilities and rental assistance for 12 households. Samaritan House Housing Trust Fund Homeless Reduction Grant 2022 $100,000Samaritan House | City of Virginia Beach This project will support 10 households and provide funding for one case manager. The goal is to serve families with high acuity and at least one child. Funding will provide housing search and placement, housing stabilization case management, housing stabilization financial assistance, rental assistance, rent arrears, service location costs and administration. St. Joseph’s Villa PSH Richmond $97,983St. Joseph’s Villa | Counties of Charles City, Chesterfield, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, New Kent, and Powhatan and the City of Richmond This renewal project will provide funding to bridge five chronically homeless individuals from RRH to PSH. Funding will provide rental assistance, housing stabilization services and administration. YWCA – Housing Trust Fund Rapid Re-Housing – FY22 $96,202YWCA South Hampton Roads | Counties of Isle of Wight and Southampton, and the cities of Chesapeake, Franklin, Norfolk, and Suffolk This project will serve seven households impacted by domestic violence with a priority of serving individuals and families aged 18-24. Funding will support the continuation of both the housing advocate and housing manager positions. People Inc. Housing Trust Fund Homeless Reduction Grants Foothills Housing Network PSH 2022 $90,808People Inc. | Counties of Culpeper, Fauquier, Madison, Orange, and Rappahannock This project supports housing stabilization services and rental assistance to serve an additional six chronically homeless individuals who meet the current criteria for permanent supportive services in an existing HUD-funded PSH program. The project aims to serve a total of 11 units and 15 individuals People Inc. Cumberland Plateau – Housing Trust Fund PSH 2022 $83,639People Inc. | Counties of Buchanan, Dickenson, Russell, Tazewell, and Washington and the City of Bristol This renewal project will expand the existing housing trust fund PSH program to serve a total of 17 chronically homeless adults who meet the criteria for permanent supportive housing. The funding supports one full-time PSH manager who is responsible for the delivery of housing stabilization services to the clients currently enrolled in the project. Supportive services available in the current program are focused on both stabilization and additional mainstream resources. ForKids RRH for Parenting Youth 2022 $80,000ForKids Inc. | Counties of Isle of Wight and Southampton and the cities of Chesapeake, Franklin, Norfolk, and Suffolk This program is aimed at trauma-informed services to youth aged 18-24 who are head of households that include at least one child. The services include rental assistance, services for mental health, employment assistance, life skills training and housing location assistance. 2022 Doorways Housing Trust Fund $76,642Doorways for Women and Families Homes | Arlington County This funding will support the Homestart Supportive Housing Program, which provides housing search and placement services, as well as housing stabilization case management for 20 households that include families, youth aged 18-24 and persons who have survived domestic violence. Fairfax PSH Projects 2022 $75,000New Hope Housing Inc. | Fairfax County and the cities of Fairfax and Falls Church This project includes intensive case management for 25-30 permanent supportive housing residents. This project serves chronically homeless single men and women who have severe mental illness (SMI), cognitive disabilities, physical disabilities and/or chronic substance use. Colonial Area Supportive Housing $71,749Williamsburg House of Mercy | Counties of James City and York and the City of Williamsburg This project will provide PSH to five chronically homeless individuals/households. Funding will also support the creation of one case manager position as well as housing stabilization services, rent assistance, and administration. Alexandria City PSH 2022 $69,000New Hope Housing Inc. | City of Alexandria This renewal project includes housing location services and case management services for 18 residents in a current scattered-site PSH project. The target population for this project is single adults with mental illness, cognitive or physical disabilities, or chronic substance use. FY22 Virginia Supportive Housing Greater Virginia Peninsula Homelessness Consortium (GVPHC) PSH Pilot $65,000Virginia Supportive Housing | Counties of James City and York and the cities of Hampton, Newport News, Poquoson, and Williamsburg This project will pilot a new scattered-site PSH project in the Greater Virginia Peninsula region, including one full-time supportive services staff member. This staff member would work to leverage other Virginia Supportive Housing staff and expertise to provide additional support for this project, the first organization project in the peninsula. Miriam’s House, Central Virginia Supportive Housing, 2022 $61,800Miriam’s House | Counties of Amherst, Appomattox, Bedford, and Campbell and the cities of Bedford and Lynchburg Funding will support Miriam’s House establishment and initial programming of the Central Virginia Supportive Housing project. This grant will provide permanent supportive housing to chronically homeless persons in the Central Virginia CoC, including after-care components for those participants able and eligible to move to mainstream housing. FY22 Virginia Supportive Housing South Bay Apartments – Portsmouth $60,000Virginia Supportive Housing | City of Portsmouth Funding would support a full-time supportive services specialist and regional team lead who provide the primary supportive services and leverage other Virginia Supportive Housing specialist staff including the Move On Team Lead, SOAR certified staff, and associate director of participant programs. Participants in this program are identified based on the following: chronic homelessness, disabling conditions, length of time in the program, individual assessment, housing stability plan, and willingness to participate in services. HomeAgain – RRH – 2022 $59,672HomeAgain | Counties of Charles City, Chesterfield, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, New Kent, and Powhatan and the City of Richmond This project will provide funding needed for 100 households and/or individuals to receive housing stabilization case management, housing stabilization financial assistance and rental assistance. Funding will also cover service location. Council of Community Services (CCS) Innovation 2022 $50,000Council of Community Services| Counties of Alleghany, Botetourt, Craig, and Roanoke and the cities of Covington, Roanoke, and Salem This project will support the research and planning of housing options for persons and households in recovery, including capacity building services via staffing, training and technology to build out a local strategy through the Council of Community Services. HomeAgain – PSH – 2022 $23,363HomeAgain | Counties of Charles City, Chesterfield, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, New Kent, and Powhatan and the City of Richmond This project will support 20 households in PSH and a case manager. This project will provide funding for rental assistance, housing stabilization services, and administration. |