National and Federal Opportunities for the week ending April 2, 2021!

Thank you for subscribing to the U.S. Department of Education, White House Initiative on HBCU weekly newsletter. If you have questions about any of the opportunities listed or would like your organizations resources and events included in our next distribution, please email:
COVID-19 (“Coronavirus”) Information andResources for Schools and School PersonnelHBCU News & AnnouncementsHBCU COVID Awareness and Resilience Day!Howard University in collaboration with the White House Initiative on HBCU  would like to inform you of the upcoming HBCU COVID Awareness and Resilience Day (HBCU-CARD). The impetus.
We invite student leaders to join their peers in acknowledging the day on their respective campuses.  A meeting is being planned during the week of April 12th and we would love for your HBCU to be included. During our April meeting, HBCU regional student leaders will meet via Zoom to discuss your individual and planned activities to undertake, protect and safeguard your health from the COVID-19 pandemic. The actual HBCU COVID Awareness and Resilience Day is scheduled for the week of May 3, 2021.
We ask that you respond to this announcement, providing the name and contact information of a student that will represent your university during this event. Contact information is included in the Impetus .
Morgan State UniversityMorgan Continues Plans for Full Campus Reopening in Advance of Fall 2021 Semester
University Moves Toward Return to Face-to-Face Instruction, Increased Residential Hall Occupancy and In-Person Commencements, Among Other Traditional Activities
BALTIMORE — In a follow-up to Morgan State University President David K. Wilson’s annual, university-wide Spring Town Hall meeting, planning continues for a full reopening of the campus and a return of traditional University activities. The reopening is slated to begin moderately with in-person commencement exercises this May and is expected to progress to face-to-face instruction for Summer Session II in early July. Barring any setbacks, namely an upswing in COVID-19 cases or reinstatement of COVID-related restrictions by Baltimore City or State of Maryland leaders, Morgan will restore campus life in time for the 2021 fall semester.
Upcoming EventsFree Webinars Hosted by the U.S. Office of Personnel ManagementIf you or someone you know is interested in working for the federal government, then the following webinars will be of interest. All sessions are free. However, they are limited to 1,500 participants each.   All times are Eastern.  Thanks for sharing with your network.
Navigating USAJOBS – Finding and Applying for Federal Jobs 
Join the staff of the Recruitment Policy and Outreach (RPO) division of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), for an in-depth webinar that provides a step-by-step process for navigating USAJOBS. We cover job searching, creating your account/profile, reviewing Job Opportunity Announcements, applying, and application status.  
Tuesday, April 20, 2021 @ 3:00 p.m. REGISTER
Tuesday, May 18, 2021 @ 11:00 a.m. REGISTER
Join the staff of the Recruitment Policy and Outreach (RPO) division of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), for an in-depth webinar on the Federal Government interview process. It explains the types of interviews, delivery methods, common questions, responding using the S.T.A.R. (Situation/Task, Action, Result) method and preparing for an interview. 
Thursday, April 8, 2021 @ 3:00 p.m. REGISTER
Thursday, April 15, 2021 @ 1:00 p.m. REGISTER
Thursday, May 6, 2021 @ 11:00 a.m.  REGISTER
Thursday, May 13, 2021 @ 1:00 p.m. REGISTER
U.S. Department of EnergyAwareness, Interest & Access: National Laboratories Spring Session. Please reach out to Chester Scott at with any questions you may have.
Student Opportunities2021 HBCU Scholar Application Now Open!The White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities (Initiative) is excited to announce that our 2021 HBCU Scholars Application is now open. The HBCU Scholars Program is a student recognition program designed to honor current HBCU students for their competitiveness, i.e., successfully preparing to compete for top opportunities that improve standards of living in their communities.
The HBCU Scholars will help form the next generation of leaders who exhibit and champion HBCU excellence. The Initiative will select Scholars for their:
Academic Achievement: established classroom performance;Civic and Campus EngagementEntrepreneurial Ethos: demonstrated character to pursue new opportunities, despite limited resources, i.e., the “go-getter” or competitive spirit.For the specified academic school year, Scholars will serve as representatives of their respective institutions and communities to the Initiative. The Initiative will provide outreach and engagement opportunities for Scholars as well as information and resources to disseminate among their fellow students. Scholars will participate in regional events, webinars, and monthly web chats with the Initiative staff and other professionals from a wide range of disciplines. Scholars also will have opportunities to engage with one another to showcase individual and collective talent across the HBCU spectrum.
To inform their experience, Scholars are expected to carefully assess their personal and career aspirations, as well as the needs of their institutions and communities, to help determine the best ways the Initiative and its partners might provide support. Their growth and development are crucial to the success of our communities, our nation and our global competitiveness.
2021 HBCU Scholar ApplicationApplication Deadline, May 7, 2021
 Applications must be submitted as one PDF to
U.S. Center for Disease ControlScholarship Opportunity for Black, Indigenous, Latinx and Pacific Islander Youth Leaders
Young people are actively changing the world. They bring new ideas, strategies, and perspectives to issues our communities have been struggling to overcome for decades. Young people are taking to the streets, mobilizing, and speaking out against racial injustices, health inequities, and environmental racism—all with heart, hope, and vision. In recognition of the important role young changemakers play in creating healthy, safe, vibrant, and equitable communities, Prevention Institute (PI) has partnered with Healthline to offer this year’s Stronger Scholarship. The scholarship will award three $7,000 scholarships to students working to improve community conditions and reduce health inequities in their communities.
PI encourages student advocates who work on a wide range of issues—housing rights, park equity, mental wellbeing, economic justice, racial justice, and others—to apply for this scholarship. Details about eligibility and the application process are below. While some people may still believe health equity is just about making sure people have access to quality healthcare, the truth is that what happens outside of the healthcare system—in neighborhoods—has the greatest impact on whether people of color and low-income people can live healthy lives. That’s why this scholarship focuses on the community determinants of health and the systems that need to be transformed to undo decades of unjust outcomes.
Who is eligible for the scholarship?
Students of color who identify as Black, Indigenous, Latinx, and/or Pacific IslanderCollege juniors or seniors in Fall 2021Students who demonstrate leadership and community involvement related to health equityWhat is the application process and deadline? The scholarships can be applied to tuition, fees, books, supplies, and equipment required for course load at accredited, nonprofit colleges/universities in the United States. You can apply for this scholarship here. The FAQ section explains what materials you need to submit. The deadline is April 20, 2021.
How can I get more information? If you’ve read the FAQs and still have questions, please reach out to Andrea Buffa at Prevention Institute:
Prepare to Become a Global Leader. Become a U.S. Foreign Service Intern. 
Prepare now if you’re a college sophomore or junior interested in travel abroad, international affairs, and public service. Discover life as a U.S. diplomat and experience the inner workings of diplomacy.  
The U.S. Department of State’s U.S. Foreign Service Internship Program (USFSIP) is a merit- and needs-based opportunity for undergraduate college students from communities traditionally underrepresented in the Foreign Service. This paid internship runs over 10-weeks for two consecutive summers and provides you the opportunity to learn new skills and experience challenging situations that will prepare you to become a global leader, build strong networks, and promote U.S. national security and values.
The first summer is spent at the Department’s headquarters in Washington, DC, and the second at a U.S. embassy or consulate overseas. The program also includes funds for housing and travel support, as well as professional development training and mentorship from current U.S. diplomats.  
The call for applications is announced at the end of August, but NOW is the time to prepare your account on USAJOBS and to upload up your resume, so that you are READY when the application opens. You can learn more about USFSIP and sign up for email notifications to be notified when the application period is open. You can also contact one of our regional Diplomats in Residence (DIR) for more information on this program and all U.S. Department of State careers, internships, and fellowships.   
Grant & Proposal OpportunitiesU.S. Fish and Wildlife ServiceImproving the Science Foundation for Bird Conservation
Funding Opportunity Number: F21AS00358 
Eligible Applicants: Institutions of higher education; nonprofits; Native American tribal governments; Independent school districts; Special district governments; Public housing authorities/Indian housing authorities 
Closing Date for Applications: May 10, 2021 
Opportunity Number F21AS00426 
Eligible Applicants: Individuals; multi-national secretariats; foreign national and local government agencies; nonprofit non-governmental organizations; for-profit organizations; public and private institutions of higher education; U.S. territorial governments. Closing Date for Application: May 7, 2021 
Migratory Bird Conservation in the Midwest 
Funding Opportunity Number: F21AS00344 
Eligible Applicants: Nonprofits; Institutions of Higher Education; Tribal Governments; Tribal Organizations 
Closing Date for Applications: May 10, 2021 
2021 National Fish Passage Program  
Funding Opportunity Number on F21AS00413 
Eligible Applicants: Individuals; nonprofits; for-profit organizations; small businesses, institutions of higher education; special district governments; independent school districts; public / Indian housing authorities; Native American tribal governments and organizations; state governments 
Global Inclusion 2021,Global Inclusion | Call for Proposals Now Open!Community, collaboration, learning and inspiration. For eight years the annual Diversity Abroad conference has embodied these words. In fall 2021, the tradition continues but with an exciting new development. Diversity Abroad has renamed its annual conference to Global Inclusion Conference, or simply Global Inclusion.
This rebranding more accurately reflects the holistic approach of Diversity Abroad and its member community in addressing and accelerating systemic and equitable change in all aspects of global education and cultural exchange, including:
Career Advancement & BelongingInternational Student Services & Cultural ExchangeEducation AbroadGlobal Engagement at HomeThis past year higher education institutions around the world have had to adapt to teaching and learning virtually and the global education field has had to grapple with defining global education beyond traditional mobility. Against this landscape, it is imperative that educators and administrators ensure that all students continue to have access to and are provided inclusive support to participate in and benefit from the academic success, interpersonal growth, and career readiness that global education and cultural exchange- in its various forms- can provide.
Global Inclusion 2021 will include virtual and in-person components. Pre-conference workshops and concurrent sessions will exclusively take place virtually. Plenaries will take place on-site and are also available to view online. Both online and in-person attendees will have access to networking opportunities. Global Inclusion 2021 will close with the Think Forward Summit, which will take place on-site.
The Global Inclusion 2021 Planning Committee invites session proposals inclusive of diverse perspectives that focus on the following four areas: education abroadinternational students and exchangeglobal engagement at home, and career advancement & belonging. With this in mind, presenters are expected to identify which track applies to each proposed session:
Inclusive Advising & Student SuccessProgram & Funding ModelsCollaborative Leadership & Strategic PartnershipsOutreach, Marketing, & RecruitmentInternational & Exchange Student Programming & SuccessScholar-PractitionerPerspectives from Minority Serving InstitutionsHiring, Belonging, & Career AdvancementFundamentals of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion in Higher EducationThe deadline to submit a session proposal is April 30, 2021!
U.S. Department of AgricultureForest Service Urban & Community Forestry 2021 Challenge Cost Share Grant Program,USDA Forest Service Urban & Community Forestry 2021 Challenge Cost Share Grant Program
Application Deadline: April 16th, 2021 11:59 PM
TheUSDA Forest Service Urban & Community Forestry (U&CF) Programrestores, sustains, and manages more than 140 million acres of urban and community forest lands for the benefit of communities in the United States. Healthy urban & community forests and green infrastructure are not only critical to all our nation’s forests, but also essential to the economic, environmental, physical and mental well-being of our population. Increasingly, our urban and community forests are facing threats such as insects, diseases, extreme weather events and other hazards.
Additionally, the lack of investment in urban forest disaster mitigation is contributing to community disasters such as urban flooding and human heat deaths in our cities – disproportionately affecting vulnerable populations. New systemic solutions are needed to create and enhance green infrastructure in the right place and at the right scale and encompass pressing social, economic, and ecological and historic factors holistically.
To find out more about this year’s Grant Program requirements and grant categories, carefully review the Grant Program Request for Proposals (RFP) .pdf document below.
Request For Proposals (RFP)
To see more on the Request for proposals, click here.
U.S. Department of Health and Human ServicesApply Now! Funding for Health Equity Researchers at Minority-Serving Institutions
Administered by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Office of Minority Health (CMS OMH), the Minority Research Grant Program (MRGP) is proud to release a notice of funding opportunity for researchers at minority-serving institutions (MSIs). The funding opportunity allows researchers at MSIs to build their portfolios while funding studies pertinent to the health care needs of racial and ethnic minorities, people with disabilities, sexual and gender minorities, and rural populations. Two awards up to $250,000 will be made to one or more eligible institutions to further health equity research and help CMS better meet the needs of minority populations. Review the notice of funding opportunity CMS-1W1-21-002. The deadline to submit applications is Friday, June 11, 2021, at 3:00 pm ET. Eligible minority-serving institutions include:
Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs)Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander-Serving Institutions (AANAPISIs)Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs)To learn more about CMS OMH and the MRGP, watch the MRGP overview video, or email:
National and Federal OpportunitiesThe Health Resources and Services AdministrationNational Minority Health Month Recognition Event
The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Office of Health Equity (OHE) proudly presents our virtual event in recognition of National Minority Health Month. This year’s theme is “#VaccineReady.” Participants will hear from four speakers who will focus on the disproportionate impact that COVID-19 has had on communities of color, why disparities in health outcomes and health care access persist, and what measures can be taken to address these inequities. Additionally, speakers will explore COVID-19 vaccine promotion and uptake among racial and ethnic minorities.
To see the agenda, please:NMHM 2021 Agenda FINAL.pdf
National Institutes of HealthNotice of Intent to Publish a Research Opportunity Announcement for RADx-UP Return to School Diagnostic Testing Approaches (OT2 Clinical Trial Optional)
The purpose of this Notice is to alert the community that NIH plans to publish a Research Opportunity (RO) as part of the Rapid Acceleration of Diagnostics for Underserved Populations (RADx-UP) initiative to solicit research on COVID-19 diagnostic testing approaches to safely return children and staff to the in-person school setting in underserved and vulnerable communities. The RO will consist of two phases: 1) a targeted solicitation to rapidly accelerate ongoing research already in place in the school setting; 2) an open solicitation to start new cohorts or approaches to gain data related to safe return. The targeted solicitation will be by invitation only and will include programs currently in place in the school setting; applications will be accepted through early March 2021 for FY21 funding with the goal to make awards no later than April 2021. The open solicitation is expected to be published in mid-April and we will accept applications through early May 2021 for FY21 funding. The goal is to make awards by June 2021 for planned implementation in the 2021-2022 school year.
Awards under this funding opportunity will be issued as Other Transaction Agreements (OT2), which are not grants, contracts or cooperative agreements. Other Transactions awards will involve active NIH program management. Furthermore, the OT funding mechanism provides NIH with the flexibility to design unique collaborations with private sector entities that may not have experience with commonly used assistance mechanisms such as grants and cooperative agreements.
To read more on this notice, click here.
Appalachian Regional CommissionWASHINGTON, D.C., March 9, 2021—The Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) announced Envision Appalachia: Community Conversations for ARC’s Strategic Plan, a virtual series of public input sessions to identify critical opportunities and challenges facing Appalachia’s economic future.  Using insights gathered from these public sessions, coupled with guidance from regional, state, and local partners, ARC will develop a strategic plan to inform investment priorities for fiscal years 2022-2026. Sessions will be held on the following dates:
Monday, April 12 at 3:00 PM ETWednesday, April 14 at 10:00 AM ETSaturday, April 17 at 10:00 AM ETTuesday, April 20 at 7:00 PM ETThursday, April 22 at 12:00 PM ETAll sessions are free, but pre-registration is required. Evening and weekend options are available for those who cannot attend during business hours. Attendees will participate in 90-minute facilitated conversations, working with discussion leaders and a cross-section of community members to identify economic strengths and challenges, solutions and opportunities.
In addition to virtual sessions, ARC is also collecting input via a public survey available at
About the Appalachian Regional Commission The Appalachian Regional Commission ( is an economic development agency of the federal government and 13 state governments focusing on 420 counties across the Appalachian Region. ARC’s mission is to innovate, partner, and invest to build community capacity and strengthen economic growth in Appalachia to help the Region achieve socioeconomic parity with the nation.
Regional Workforce Initiative, March 2021 e-Note has been released!
The Regional Workforce Initiative has released the monthly e-note for March 2021. Please click here to see what has been announced.
Career VacanciesTo view and apply for FWS positions, please click here: FWS Vacancy Announcements. If you have a question about a specific position vacancy, please contact the Human Resources point of contact listed at the bottom of the announcement.
For more information about FWS careers and available internship opportunities, please visit our FWS Recruitment Opportunities page. You can also explore and learn more about the careers we have at FWS and others within the Department of the Interior by clicking here.
U.S. Department of Labor, Career VacanciesThe Department of Labor, Office of the Solicitor, Trial Attorney, Vacancy Announcement – New York, Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands
The Department of Labor, Office of the Solicitor (SOL), Region II Office is recruiting for Trial Attorney’s to join our team in New York, NY.  Region II litigates cases pursuant to the various laws administered by DOL in cases pursuant to the various laws administered by the DOL in NY, NJ, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, including cases under the FSLA, OSHA, ERISA Act of 1974, Executive Order 11246, MSHA, and many other statutes. The Office also provides legal advice to DOL’s agencies in the region. These attorney positions are term appointments no-to-exceed 09/30/2024.
More details on the position, qualifications requirements, and the application process are set forth in the vacancy announcement, EX-21-SOL-13 which is available through the following USAjobs link The deadline for submitting applications is Tuesday, April 13, 2021.
U.S. Department of TransportationTransportation Announces $180 Million Funding Opportunity for Low or No Emission Transit Vehicles & Facilities
Priority will be given to projects that help improve air quality and advance environmental justice; a portion of the funds can be used to help transportation workers learn technical skills to operate and maintain new clean vehicles.
WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Transit Administration (FTA) today announced the availability of up to $180 million in competitive grant funds through a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for FTA’s Low or No Emission (Low-No) Grant Program. The Low-No Program helps eligible project sponsors purchase or lease low- or no-emission vehicles and supports facilities that use advanced technologies to provide cleaner, more energy efficient transit operations in communities across the country. This year’s NOFO will prioritize applications with an environmental justice component as well as those that will support workforce development activities to help America’s transit workers succeed.
“The Biden Administration is committed to investing in clean transportation, and the Low or No Emission Program will put more American-made, energy-efficient buses into service across the country,” said U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg. “This is an important step forward in ensuring that communities have access to high-quality, zero-emission transportation options.”  
Instructions for applying can be found on FTA’s website and in GRANTS.GOV (funding opportunity FTA-2021-001-LowNo). Complete proposals must be submitted electronically through the GRANTS.GOV “APPLY” function by April 12, 2021.
Employment and Training Administration Pre-Solicitation
Please see below a link to Employment and Training Administration’s pre-solicitation for the Operation of the Delaware Valley Job Corps Center with Outreach & Admissions and Career Transition Services, posted on  
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If you wish for your organizations announcements to be included in our weekly distribution, please email: