Philanthropist Joan Brock Gifts $34 Million to Chrysler Museum of Art

By: Chrysler Museum of Art

The Chrysler Museum of Art just announced Hampton Roads Philanthropist and longtime Chrysler support Joan Brock has made a $34 million gift to the museum, including 40 works of art from the Macon and Joan Brock Collection and two position endowments, including the Director of the Museum. This gift will also support the expansion of the Perry Glass Studio. 

The Brock Collection spans nearly one hundred years of American art, from just after the Civil War to the mid-twentieth century. The collection builds substantially upon the Chrysler’s holdings of American art, adding works by 15 artists not previously represented and filling in key gaps in the museum’s collection. Important works of American Modernism by Marsden Hartley, Charles Sheeler, Preston Dickinson, and William Baziotes will enhance the museum’s twentieth-century galleries and more fully illustrate the rise of abstraction and other modern developments in American art. The Brock Collection is particularly strong in drawings, pastels and watercolors and the gift contributes to the Chrysler’s emphasis on the study and appreciation of works on paper through the addition of works by James Carroll Beckwith, Sargent, Chase, Homer, and others.

More details are below, and images and captions are available for download here: 

Please let us know if you’re interested in speaking with Erik Neil, the newly named Macon and Joan Brock Director of the Chrysler Museum of Art, who can share more about what this transformational gift means to Chrysler. We’re happy to arrange an interview.