Portsmouth’s ROC The Block Community Clean-Up Held in Prentis Park

By: City of Portsmouths

The City of Portsmouth’s “ROC The Block” Community Clean-Up in Prentis Park was held on Saturday, September 10th, and brought out community volunteers and city teams who collected “litteraly” tons of trash and debris.  CUTZ Mentoring Team, individuals, and families of Portsmouth joined with public safety and city staff and filled 151 bags with trash totaling 1,510 pounds and collected 38 vehicle tires.  In addition, bulk trucks collected 13 tons of debris or 26,000 pounds, with the grand total of pounds of trash and debris collected: 27,510.  

This productive joint effort, which brought together 84 individuals from the community and the city, works toward the very objectives of the city’s new “ROC The Block” initiative! Joining forces to clean up neighborhoods, “ROC The Block” is to help residents curb crime and violence, clean up their streets, and make every Portsmouth community a safe place to live, work and grow up. 

Photos from Saturday’s Community Clean-Up in Prentis Park are attached to this email and provided below.  To learn more about “ROC The Block” and to view a video from the first event which was held on August 18th, visit: https://www.roctheblockportsmouth.com/.