VB Residents Invited to Learn More About Changes to Local Election System
By: City of Virginia Beach
The City of Virginia Beach invites residents and voters to attend any of the three upcoming public information meetings to learn more about the new VB10 election system and ask any questions they may have about this topic. Following a federal court case, the City’s original method of electing City Council representatives has been replaced with a new 10-1 system.
This change divides the city into 10 districts of approximately equal voting age population, replacing the 7-district, 3 at-large, and 1 mayor system. Most notably, Virginia Beach voters will now only be able to vote for a single City Council representative for their district, plus the mayor, when that seat is on the ballot. The City’s redistricting does not impact state or federal representation.
Interested individuals who wish to ask a question in advance may do so by email, voicemail, or text. Speaker registration information and the ways to provide feedback are available online at PublicInput.com/VBRedistricting. Meeting dates and times are as follows:
- Wednesday, June 22 | 6 – 7:30 p.m.
In person and virtual participation options available
City Council Chambers (Old City Hall)
2403 Courthouse Drive- Email questions to WW4481@PublicInput.com
- Leave a voicemail by calling 855-925-2801 – use meeting code 4863
- Text WW4481 to 855-925-2801
- Thursday, June 23 | 6 – 7:30 p.m.
Virtual meeting- Email questions to A57886@PublicInput.com
- Leave a voicemail by calling 855-925-2801 – use meeting code 4863
- Text A57886 to 855-925-2801
- Wednesday, June 29 | 12:30 – 2 p.m.
Virtual meeting- Email questions to R32313@PublicInput.com
- Leave a voicemail by calling 855-925-2801 – use meeting code 4863
- Text R32313 to 855-925-2801
All meetings will be livestreamed on PublicInput.com/VBRedistricting. Submitted questions will be answered whether or not the submitter is present. Those who wish to watch and not ask a question do not need to register to view or attend any of the meetings.
“This change to our election system is a significant shift from how City Council members have been elected previously,” said Virginia Beach Communications Director Tiffany M. Russell. “We want to ensure our residents are well-informed about this change and what it means before they show up to vote this November. Come share your voice on your schedule on SpeakUpVB.com or join us at one of the meetings in person or virtually.”
More information about the changes to the Virginia Beach election system can be found online at VBgov.com/VB10.
About SpeakUpVB
Hearing from our residents about the topics and decisions that will impact where they live, work and play, is important to the City of Virginia Beach. SpeakUpVB is the one-stop shop for public engagement where Virginia Beach residents can provide feedback on topics of interest, attend virtual meetings, and review past meetings. Visit SpeakUpVB.com to view current surveys and public meeting opportunities.