VDEM and VDH Urge Individuals Not to Travel to Community Vaccination Centers Without an Official Appointment or Invitation
The Virginia Department of Emergency Management (VDEM) and the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) have issued guidance that only those individuals who receive an appointment or invitation to attend a Community Vaccination Center (CVC) event will be permitted inside to be vaccinated. CVCs are intended for people currently eligible to be vaccinated in a particular health district. The Peninsula Health District is currently vaccinating people in Phases 1a and 1b. This includes hospital and medical personnel, essential and front line employees, teachers and those who are at higher risk for exposure to or severe illness from COVID-19. VDEM and VDH will continue to closely monitor demand for Phase 1 vaccinations in the areas where CVCs are operating so doses can be shifted as needed while continuing to vaccinate anyone in the area who is eligible in Phase 1. Fluctuating registration numbers in the initial stages of site operations have allowed for walk-ins in some isolated instances, but this is no longer the case. Each clinic in Virginia has a plan for how to administer any unused doses at the end of the day, so eligible individuals are prioritized. Newport News operates a closed clinic and works with the Peninsula Health District to ensure every dose is administered and there are no leftover vaccines. If you have been invited to a CVC, VDEM and the VDH ask you to keep the following tips in mind:Please plan to arrive no earlier than 20 minutes prior to your appointment time. You will not be allowed in early to receive your vaccine.No walk-ins will be accepted at this time. Please pre-register to be contacted for an appointment.Bring a copy of your invitation (email, text, barcode) or other proof of your name when you arrive at the site. For more information on COVID-19 in Virginia, visit www.vdh.virginia.gov/covid-19-vaccine. Residents are strongly encouraged to make sure they are pre-registered at vaccinate.virginia.gov, or by calling 877-829-4682 (877-VAX-IN-VA), to ensure that the Virginia Department of Health has all the relevant information to reach out when individuals are eligible to schedule vaccination appointments. |