Bulk and Yard Waste Collections Resume

NORFOLK, VA –   The City of Norfolk is resuming bulk and yard waste collections beginning the week of May 11. Waste Management crews retrofitted trucks and revised collection methods which allow employees to ride together and safely collect yard and bulk waste.

Yard waste collection will be picked up on the resident’s normal collection date.  For more than 20 bags, residents must schedule a bulk waste pickup.

The initial bulk waste schedule will be modified, and collections limited. Pickup could be delayed.

Residents must schedule all bulk waste pickups using the MyNorfolk online portal, mobile app or call Norfolk Cares at 664-6510.   Collection will take place on the resident’s normal trash collection day.

Any scheduled pickups not collected, will be picked up the following week.  If possible, remove items from the curb that were not collected. 

Residents who set out bulk waste that has not been scheduled may receive a Notice of Violation.

As a reminder, SPSA’s Norfolk Transfer Station will return to normal operating hours this weekend. 

Saturday: 8a-4p.   12p-4p reserved for Norfolk residents and Household Hazardous Waste 12p-4p.

Sunday: 12p-4p.

For COVID-19 city updates, monitor the FAQ located on Norfolk.gov