Four Oaks Day Service Center: Supporting and Empowering People During the Pandemic

During the pandemic, our community has come together like never before. We’ve uplifted one another, providing support, resources and comfort. In Newport News, we’ve created new programs and services to help residents. We know we are living in unprecedented times and people need different, customized supports that help them regain their independence and pride while becoming self-sufficient. From March to December of last year, the city of Newport News utilized CARES Act dollars to establish the Emergency Lodging Program. This program found housing for the most medically fragile, elderly and chronically homeless individuals in area hotels. The program also incorporated case management services, daily food delivery and connections to all the resources of the Day Center. These wrap-around services protected this population while giving them the critical essential services they needed. Kenneth Jones was young, homeless and unemployed when he arrived at the Four Oaks Day Service Center in the midst of the pandemic seeking guidance. The Four Oaks team and members of the Newport News Department of Human Services worked diligently to find Kenneth a spot in the center’s Emergency Lodging Program. These services were just the beginning of his journey.   Kenneth was then referred to Newport News YouthBuild, a workforce development program designed to engage young people ages 16-24 in construction classroom and hands-on training sessions that prepare them for careers in in-demand industries and the trades. Participants receive educational supports and their GED, if needed, as well as leadership development training, community service opportunities, and job readiness assistance, including digital and financial literacy and career exploration. YouthBuild participants earn industry credentials, apprenticeships and pre-apprenticeships while receiving on the job training building houses for Habitat for Humanity.  The six-month program prepares young men and women for post-secondary education programs or ongoing careers and includes follow-up supportive services for the period of one year.  Working with YouthBuild case managers, Kenneth has been connected with the Urban League for financial literacy training and local rooming houses for housing. He is awaiting his move in date and will have his home furnished by the Hearts of Giving, which is also located at Four Oaks Day Service and Training Center. You can also never underestimate the value and power of the little things. Kenneth received a haircut from volunteers at Four Oaks and new clothes.  Just months ago, he was unemployed and uncertain of what the future held for him. He now has a place to live and an abundance of career options in front of him. The program, as well as the supports he has received, have shown Kenneth that he is not alone and given him the desire to help others and make a difference in the community.   Kenneth’s success highlights the vision of the Four Oaks Day Service Center – a multi-faceted facility where those experiencing homelessness can be connected with housing, employment and training, and a path to independence.