Ft. Eustis Blvd Bridge Replacement Project and Traffic Update

Motorists should pay attention for intermittent, brief closures

The project to replace the existing Ft. Eustis Boulevard Bridge over the Lee Hall Reservoir began in August 2020. To date, work on the project has included tree clearing and construction of contractor staging areas, demolition of the westbound lanes of the old bridge, and installation of piles to support the new westbound lanes. Upcoming work includes completion of pile installation, placement of bridge beams, and construction of the bridge deck. 
Intermittent, short-duration roadway closures will be implemented on Ft. Eustis Boulevard from now through early summer 2021 for the delivery of structural concrete materials used to construct the new westbound lanes of the bridge. Traffic will be temporarily stopped in both directions to allow these materials to be safely off loaded. Traffic stoppages will last a maximum of 15 minutes at a time and are possible between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
The westbound lanes are scheduled to be completed in late 2021/early 2022 and then traffic will be shifted onto the new bridge. The second phase will include demolishing and rebuilding the eastbound lanes. The entire project is scheduled for completion in early 2023.
Visit the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration website for more information on the Ft. Eustis Bridge Replacement.