Important Reminder from Newport News Waterworks: Flush Your Water Lines Before Reopening

Many restaurants and businesses will reopen tomorrow as Virginia moves into Phase Two of Governor Northam’s Reopening plan. Newport News Waterworks reminds business owners to thoroughly flush their establishment’s plumbing systems to fully remove stagnant water. Water quality within buildings that have been vacant or seen little use during the pandemic restrictions may be impacted due to closures.
Flush cold water first

  • Remove aerators and screens from all faucets. Then, turn on the cold water and open all cold water outlet valves, such as faucets (bathroom, kitchen, and laundry) and bath tubs and showers. Outlets should be turned on to full open.
  • Start with the outlets on the lowest floor, then move to the second floor, and then higher floors in order.
  • All cold water outlets should be flowing at the same time during flushing.
  • Flush toilets and urinals two or three times each to purge any stagnant water and bring in fresh water.
  • Water outlets should run for at least 30 minutes. After this time has elapsed, turn off faucets and outlets in the same order as you opened them. Note: Larger facilities will have more water stored in the pipes and tanks so it will take longer to flush the system.

Flush hot water second

  • Turn on the hot water and open all hot water outlets in the same way you opened the cold water outlets.
  • The hot water should run for 45 minutes for a residence or small business to ensure that all water in the heater is flushed out.
  • After the time has elapsed, close the outlets in the same order as you opened them. Then clean and replace all aerators and screens. Note: Water heaters should be set to at least 120 degrees to prevent microorganisms from growing.

For a detailed page of instructions, visit the Hampton Roads Planning District Commission’s Building Flushing page.