In the Midst of COVID-19 and Nationwide Protests, Green New Deal Virginias Virtual Summit will Address…

Two of the Biggest Crises Virginians Face: Climate Change and Inequity.

Richmond, VA — In the face of the COVID-19 outbreak, this years Green New Deal Virginia Coalition Summit will take place virtually and will address the fundamental interconnections between social, economic, and environmental  justice. 

Tomorrows event will feature keynote speaker William Barber, III, who is the strategic partnerships associate at the Climate Reality Project and serves as co-chair for the North Carolina Poor People’s Campaign Ecological Devastation Committee. Other community leaders featured at the summit include: Kendyl Crawford, Director of Virginia Interfaith Power and Light; Weston Mathews, Director of Interfaith Alliance for Climate Justice; Michael Carter Jr., Small Farm Resource Center Coordinator for the Virginia Cooperative Extensio n; and Stair Calhoun from Network Nova. 
The second part of the summit will take place in various issue-based breakout rooms, where Virginias Green New Deal VA champions, Delegates Mark Keam, Elizabeth Guzman, Sam Rasoul, and Lee Carter will join participants for open discussion. 

What: Green New Deal VA VIRTUAL Summit 2020When: Wednesday, June 3, 2020, from 6 P.M. – 9 P.M. ESTWhere: A computer screen near you. Green New Deal Virginia Summit 2020RSVP HERE and receive information about how to join.