MWBE Opportunity in Raleigh

RFP: 15 Summit Avenue Development

The City of Raleigh (City) is soliciting proposals for the development of sustainably built
rental housing, including affordable units, on a 0.67-acre City-owned lot, to be made
available via long-term ground lease (preferred option) or fee-simple sale (alternative
option). Eligible Proposers are non-profit or for-profit developers, or partnerships between a non-profit and for-profit developer.

Important Dates: 

The optional Pre-Proposal Conference is January 6, 2025, at 2:00PM via Microsoft Teams. The deadline for written questions is January 17, 2025 by 5:00PM. Proposals are due February 14, 2025, by 5:00PM.  

To join the Pre-Proposal Conference, please use: Teams Link

Click below to view a detailed overview regarding this advertisement:

RFP: 15 Summit Avenue Development

Direct all inquiries concerning this RFP to: 

Angelina Blackmon