Newport News Now

By: City of Newport News

King William Reservoir Land Proceeds

Last night, City Council approved the use of the proceeds from the sale of land purchased for the King William Reservoir for various improvement projects for Newport News Waterworks. The purchase of the land was originally done with Water Revenue Bonds, and in order to maintain the tax-exempt status of the bonds the funds from the sale of those parcels must be used to finance new qualified capital projects for the water system. The funds will be used for extensions, additions, and other improvements to capital assets; the purchase of new equipment; and the acquisition of property.


  • General Services ($2,983,700) – This appropriation from the General Services Reserve is for the purchase of replacement vehicles and for infrastructure improvements at the Vehicle Services facility. Of the total amount, $2,390,000 is for the replacement of vehicles and equipment for Public Safety and Public Works. The remaining $593,700 is for various projects related to the Vehicle Services facility, including replacing the 40-year-old overhead door systems, exhaust fan systems, industrial air compressor, and underground heating oil tank; removing an abandoned tar tank; and installing a security system and four new electric vehicle charging stations.
  • Parks & Recreation ($1,800,000) – These funds are for the construction of a new Park Ranger Station and community restroom at Deer Park as part of the city’s Capital Improvements Plan (CIP). The new, combined facility will replace the current station, which supports patrols for Deer Park and a number of other city parks, and the existing, undersized and dilapidated restroom that has served park visitors for over 60 years. Council previously appropriated $150,000 for the design, which is now complete. It is expected that construction will occur in 2023 and begin operation in 2024. 
  • Parks & Recreation ($1,600,000) – This appropriation, also part of the CIP, is for various repair, replacement, and improvement projects at a number of parks and recreation areas throughout the city. Projects will help ensure public safety, preserve access to recreation resources, and enhance recreational offerings to residents and visitors. Some of the projects included are: athletic field lighting and fencing; community center improvements; campsite activity building replacement; Huntington Park basketball court replacement; repairs to the Monitor-Merrimac Fishing Pier; and parking area and roadway paving within parks.
  • Public Works ($1,246,789) – These are additional state revenue funds from VDOT for the current year for street and highway maintenance. Annually, VDOT allocates funds based on qualified lane miles within the city, and these additional funds represent an unanticipated increase in the allocation, bringing the total to be collected from the state in FY 2023 for street maintenance to $19,567,138. The extra dollars will be used for additional residential reconstruction/resurfacing.
  • City Manager’s Office ($450,000) – These grant funds, awarded by the General Assembly, support the partnership the city has with Virginia Peninsula Community College through the Coastal VA (COVA) STEM Hub, which is is an extension of the foundational services and training offered at Brooks Crossing Innovation and Opportunity Center. Projects supported by these grant funds are STEM-related programs for Pre-K to adult participants, emphasizing in-demand regional career pathways in areas such as aerospace and aviation, wind energy, maritime shipbuilding, information technology, and advanced manufacturing.

On-demand viewing of last night’s entire City Council meeting is available at

Next Regular Meeting is 7 p.m., Tuesday, Jan.10. Council meetings are shown live on NNTV (Cox 48/Verizon 19) and streamed online at and on NNTV’s Facebook page. View full meeting agendas, watch past meetings and more on the city’s Public Meetings Portal.

The Swearing-In Ceremony for new City Council members will take place on Tuesday, Jan. 10, at 11 a.m. in City Council Chambers.