By: The City of Portsmouth
Good Afternoon — Please stay weather aware and please stay informed! If there are any additional announcements from the City of Portsmouth, they will be announced so please stay connected.
Tune to the local news media for weather and other announcements for our area, NOAA weather radios, and Wakefield NWS which currently include the forecast for the return of rain, wind gusts up to 50 mph, higher than usual tides, and some possible major flooding for our area. Remember that it is NEVER safe to drive or walk into flood waters or to drive around barriers that are blocking flooded roads. Make sure to keep your cell phones and electronic devices charged in case or power outages, your emergency supply kits stocked, and to activate your personal plans for your family’s preparations and response.
The current NWS situation report is attached
to this email with one of the slides provided below —
The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) reminds motorists to take precautions to stay safe as they travel through the region.
Stay away from flood prone areas, and move to higher ground if necessary. More deaths occur due to flooding than any other rainstorm related hazard.
According to the CDC, the primary causes of flood related deaths occur to individuals driving into flood waters, and walking in or near flood waters.
- 6 inches of flood water is enough to knock an adult off of their feet,
- 12 inches can move most cars, and
- 18-24 inches can carry away most large SUVs, vans, and trucks.
Additional hazards in flood waters include debris, downed power lines, animals and insects, chemicals, and even raw sewage. Never underestimate the dangers of flood waters.
Based on current forecasts, VDOT staff is preparing for potential risks stemming from heavy rainfall and high winds. Crews stand ready to respond to any unsafe traveling conditions and damage resulting from the storm.
Motorists and pedestrians should limit travel based on weather and road conditions.
Additional details regarding Hampton Roads state-maintained roadways are as follows:
- Complete bridge information can be found here. Speed limits may be reduced based on current wind conditions at each facility for motorist safety.
- VDOT closes bridges, ramps or roads only when there is imminent danger to public safety, such as high water, structural damage or downed trees and debris blocking the roadway. If a closure is in place, motorists should not attempt to drive on the closed roadway or structure.
Citizens are encouraged to utilize the following tools provided by VDOT:
- Residents should report any problems such as flooding, downed trees, or road hazards to VDOT’s 24- hour Customer Service Center at 1-800-FOR-ROAD (367-7623) or by visiting my.vdot.virginia.gov.
- Statewide and local traffic conditions are available by calling 511 (dial or say nine to go straight to Hampton Roads info), visiting www.511virginia.org or downloading the free 511 Virginia mobile app. 511 Virginia provides real-time road conditions and interstate cameras.