Portsmouth Joins Healthier757’s Rewards for Healthy Living Initiative
Looking to improve your overall health and gain knowledge about staying healthy for the rest of your lives? We’ve got just the ticket. The City of Portsmouth, the Healthy Portsmouth Coalition (Portsmouth Health Department), Portsmouth Public Schools, the Portsmouth Public Library system, and a host of various partners have joined forces with Healthier757– an initiative with the primary goal to improve the health of our citizens and the economic prosperity of our region. What’s the strategy for Healthier757 to bring the region together to reach these goals? Simple – to change the way people learn about health by simplifying complicated health information and making it fun, engaging, and rewarding. Rewards for Healthy Living has something for everyone. Users can learn via health games, interactive videos, articles, and more. Participants are rewarded for educational achievements through random drawings where 757 citizens can win up to $500 cash on the first of each month, different local prizes such as staycations on the 15th of each month, and a $5,000 jackpot at the end of the year. Local residents may sign up for the free at https://www.rewardsforhealthyliving.com/.
Rewards for Healthy Living leverages EdLogics’ interactive digital health platform designed to engage, educate, and communicate with diverse audiences. Imagine an exciting and dynamic game-based program that grabs the attention of the user right away. It’s easy to use and readily accessible to anyone with internet access. Health topics addressed include coronavirus, mental health, opioid addiction, chronic health conditions, cancer, caregiving and senior health, medication use, health insurance, telemedicine and navigating the healthcare system, amongst hundreds of others. Evolving health topics will include infant mortality, early childhood education, health equity, diversity and inclusion, and social determinants of health. Knowledge improvement and consumer satisfaction scores are encouraging with 93 percent of users saying they learned things they didn’t know before, and 80 percent of users saying they have changed or plan to change their behavior based on what they learned.
The Healthier757 coalition brings the region’s municipalities and community health partners together to address key regional health priorities including the COVID-19 pandemic, improving health literacy in underserved communities, changing behaviors, promoting healthy lifestyles, and positioning Hampton Roads as a leader in health technology and innovation.
“We are excited and honored to be part of the Healthy Portsmouth Coalition and to work with the member organizations to bring Rewards for Healthy Living to the greater Portsmouth community,” said J.R. Locke, Vice President of Community Development for Healthier757. “Together, we have the opportunity to help people overcome barriers and improve their ability to better manage their health and that of their families.”