Street Sweeping is Underway
It’s officially spring and that means it’s time for the city to start spring cleaning! The Public Works Street Maintenance Division began sweeping on Monday, April 3 and will continue through mid-October, weather permitting.
Street sweeping keeps our waterways clean by removing accumulated debris and pollutants such as sand, salt, metals, petroleum projects, and bacteria before they enter the storm drains. Throughout the season, the city deploys nine mechanical street sweepers at regularly scheduled times to clear debris from city-maintained roads. In 2022, 17,830 miles of curbs were swept and 4,090 dump truck loads of debris were removed from streets.
Residents are reminded to check for the bright orange signs posted on major streets leading into neighborhoods announcing temporary parking restrictions so streets can be swept. Due to the lack of off-street parking and numerous one-way streets, the Southeast Community has permanent red and white signs posted that specify a once-per-month period when parking is prohibited for street sweeping.
On days when streets are being swept, vehicles should be removed from the streets by 9 a.m. On-street parking can resume parking after 3 p.m. Residents should move vehicles and basketball goals off of the street and place bulk items behind the curb line. Private streets, mobile home parks, and privately owned apartment complex streets are not a part of the street sweeping program.
To view a full street sweeping schedule and to learn more about the program visit the Street Maintenance Division Website or call 757-933-2311.