Subsidy for HRT’s TRAFFIX Vanpool Program Increases to $500

By: City of Portsmouth

If you’ve ever thought about starting a vanpool, now is the time. TRAFFIX is excited to announce an increase in its monthly stipend to a flat rate of $500 for all new and existing vanpools.
Vanpooling is a convenient, cost-effective way to get to work. Groups range from 7 to 15 commuters and costs can vary depending on the number of vacant seats. Increasing the stipend will provide greater financial relief while helping commuters make a more sustainable and positive impact on the environment.

The TRAFFIX vanpool program partners with Commute with Enterprise, allowing commuters to lease a van to share a ride to work. The total cost, including insurance, maintenance, fuel, and tolls is divided among the riders. Now, TRAFFIX will kick in the first $500 every month.
“This adjustment reflects our commitment to ensuring that vanpooling remains an accessible and viable transportation option for everyone,” said Amy Jordan, Executive Director of TRAFFIX.
In addition to the monthly stipend, there are other benefits to starting or joining a vanpool, including decreasing your yearly commuting cost, extending the life of your personal vehicle, reducing traffic and pollution, and lowering stress.
Commuters can also sign up for the TRAFFIX Ride Matching and Rewards Program, earning points every time they share a ride, use transit, telework, walk, or bike, redeeming them later for discounts at some of their favorite restaurants, coffee shops, or local attractions. TRAFFIX vanpool commuters are also eligible for the Guaranteed Ride Program. It’s a great resource during an emergency.
TRAFFIX is a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) program operated by Hampton Roads Transit and funded through the Hampton Roads Transportation Planning Organization. Its mission is to decrease traffic congestion and greenhouse emissions by reducing the number of Single Occupancy Vehicles commuting to work through ridesharing.
To learn more about TRAFFIX and its vanpool program, visit