Turning Death Into Life, Guns Into Garden Tools

Join the James River Chapter of the Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy (VICPP) Saturday, April 22, 2 – 3:30 p.m., at St. Johns Church of God in Christ, 2402 Orcutt Ave., to discuss the issue of gun violence and how to bring hope and healing into the community. Hear testimonies of those impacted by gun violence and how to push back against the dominant story of gun violence in our culture.

Shane Claiborne, founder of Raw Tools, will present a demonstration of turning guns into garden tools and invite participants to beat a gun with a hammer at the blacksmith’s anvil. The mission of RAW Tools is to literally and figuratively “beat guns” by disarming hearts, forging peace, and cultivating justice.

Sponsored by VICPP, Pastoring the City, St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, Hope for Hampton and Newport News, Moms Demand Action, Newport News Green Foundation, Flourish CNU, and the City of Newport News, the presentation is free and open to the public. Learn more and register today.