Virtual Spring Break Camp with Brooks Crossing iLab
Have fun over Spring Break while learning some new skills and developing unique talents. The Innovation Lab (iLab) at Brooks Crossing is hosting a virtual Spring Break Camp to introduce young people to Beatmaking. Beatmaking is a form of music production in which an eclectic mix of musical influences and styles is fashioned into hip hop/rap music form. This free virtual class is open to young people ages 12 through 17 and experience is not required. During this engaging course, participants will use Python, a cutting-edge programming system, to create their own sound remix to Pharell Williams’ song Entrepreneur. Prior coding experience is not required and young people do not need to purchase software for their computer prior to the session. Classes will be held April 6 through 9 from 1 p.m. until 3 p.m. over Zoom. Registration is required and space is limited, so sign-up soon!